Label-Free, Magnetic Nanocarrier based, Precision Combinatorial Chemotherapeutics Treatment Against Metastatic Cancer for Recurrence-Free Survival

╪1,3Margo Waters, ╪1,3Juliane Hopf, 1,3Paul Helquist, 2Vincent Jo Davisson, and 1,3Prakash. D. Nallathamby 1University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame USA; 2Purdue University, Lafayette, USA; 3NDnano, Notre Dame, USA ╪ Equal contributors The leading cause of fatalities in breast cancer is metastasis.1 To increase the success rate of metastasis-free survival, there is a need to tackle … Continue reading Label-Free, Magnetic Nanocarrier based, Precision Combinatorial Chemotherapeutics Treatment Against Metastatic Cancer for Recurrence-Free Survival